Thursday 7 May 2015

Ruma Rua have been learning about reflections for our maths, but we have been doing this through art!  We have started off by looking at 3 different reflections and making a list of all the things that these 3 pictures had in common.  This made us think very hard and we really had to look closely.  This is what we came up with...

  • the reflection is darker than the top part of the picture
  • the reflection is upside down
  • there is a line between the ground and the water
  • the reflection is a darker colour than the picture
We used this set of criteria to help us create some beautiful artworks.  They show that we have used the darker colour as the reflection, the reflection is upside down and that there is a line between the ground and the water.

They are on display in Ruma Rua so don't forget to come in and admire them.  We will be creating more art works to show our understanding of reflection.  Our end goal is to design and create a reflective piece of art to use as an invitation for our Grandparents day later in the term. 

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